2 packs for $7 (or $3.50 each)

“Our world has sprouted a weird concept of security and a warped sense of morality. Weapons are sheltered like treasures and children are exposed to incineration” – Bertrand Russel.

Up early on a fall back day listening to Power, Corruption and Lies by New Order.

Out of cigarettes and toying with the idea of not buying more.

Wearing a bizarre sarong thing for laziness.

Dreamt last night that I was onstage with a band and didn’t recognise the intro to one of our songs, so didn’t know the words, so faked illness to cover it up and sent the cleaning lady on to recite other lyrics to keep the audience entertained.

And that was Sunday morning.

One thought on “2 packs for $7 (or $3.50 each)”

  1. I think the sarong works particularly well with the manbag accessory. Indeed, one should start a fashion but must never follow one – 11 out of 10 on both counts.

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