Nice night last night with people over for dinner which I cooked and which tasted very good, aided by a couple of bottles of vin rouge to oil the wheels. Drinking is down to a rarity nowadays, how American I am becoming. Talking of which, they were really keen here on that Guardian thing of getting UK citizens to write letters to people in swing states telling the US populace how to vote, oh yes. Kind of obvious really but as they said on NPR “nobody wants to be identified as the candidate of choice for cheese, schnitzel and tapas eating surrender monkeys.” So now you know how the most liberal media here thinks of you lot. I hope you’re suitably chastened and will keep your nose out of America’s business in future. They promise to do the same for you… probably.
What else? Hmmmmm… It’s all election craziness here with each side hammering the other on their past record. Kerry’s going for the vote for Hope thang while Bushcheneyrumsfeldashcroft are just trying to scare the bejeezus out of the population… check out the terrorist wolves for a taste of paranoia… Alvie was so scared by his Al Qaeda relatives he peed on the floor.
Got to try to find something to do on election night now other than sitting in watching it on TV alone… maybe I’ll go to a bar with a TV and get drunk alone and watch it… suggestions welcome.
Come and watch it in the Western Sahara old boy! I’m guessing they ain’t gonna be rootin’ for Dubya… But for Crissakes bring some booze and bacon sarnies!
-Sime xx