Well hello there. You’re looking well. Have you had your hair cut or something? No? Well you look really good. Those trousers really flatter you. And I love what you’ve done with your flat. It’s really “you”.
Why is it that some people are really good at getting on with stuff and others i.e. me are very, very bad? I refer of course to Geoff’s lovely blog site which I helped him invent. And how does he repay me? By updating it far more often than I’ve been doing this recently and not only that but by filling it with stuff he’s done while I sit around on my arse watching Ben (Landlord with a very good, deep south accent) fixing the plumbing.
It’s colder here than a polar bears nuts now, or feels that way (from my vast experience of feeling polar bears nuts) and more annoyingly my broken hard drive still hasn’t come back from the manufacturers. So despite having humped my guitar and laptop half way across the world, and gone through the crap with the soundcard in Manhattan, I STILL can’t sit down and record any bloody songs. Perhaps it wasn’t meant to be? It means that the part of my day that was supposed to be filled with that, is now filled with just faffing around walking the dog, having long, hot showers, watching old movies on TCM, reading, worrying about Marc Almond,
and generally not doing much. Not that I’d rather be working or anything you understand, but I wouldn’t mind doing something that made me feel a bit more useful. Taking calls on the Michigan Radio fund drive was fun and I got to meet some nice people and talk other people into donating more money than perhaps they first intended. I also ate a lot of donuts and bagels there. If you fancy, you can have a bit of a listen to it HERE.
Marc is still in critical condition after his motorbike crash and Alvie is sitting forlorn playing his old Soft Cell tapes… Alvie says “Get well soon Marc… woof”
Hey come on! New York was great, I’m not saying it wasn’t, and you showed me some new moves which were cool. We’ll always have Par…New York. But hey, people change and now it’s time to move on. I’ve got my life and you’ve got yours and that’s just how things work out sometimes. You want your hard drive and soundcard, I want my Moleskine notebook and Pilot pen. You eye up hunky plumbers and answer phones and I’m getting out there and making something of myself. We’re different people now.
So when you come to France?
Cliff and I were only commenting yesterday that you’d gone quiet.
Glad to see your still out there and grooving.
JB + Cliff.
Two schoolboys have broken the British all-comers giant pumpkin record by growing a monster equivalent to the weight of five chunky men.
‘sup bruh?
Sorry I’ve been incommunicado for a while – lets get a link up in Dec. Summat made me smile today … kid with a placard at an anti dubya demo. Picture of Hitler & said Dubya with caption “Same shit. Different asshole”
The special relationship
The Guardian ran a campaign recently, inviting people to write to septics in some feckin’ “God ‘n Guns” county in Ohio – a swing (ungh?) state. Here’s the response