America spells cheese K-R-A-F-T

Oooops, now where was I? Burlington airport? yup that was it. Weelll then I got a plane and arrived in Detroit which has the most space age airport so far. The rest I’ve seen have been ripped off from Gerry and Sylvia Anderson from their original Thunderbirds blueprints.

This one was more Space 1999

As you were transported down the walkways to the baggage claim you were sent through a long low tunnel with walls that lit up in blues and greens while Eno-esque musak wafted over you. Sounds a bit crap but it was actually quite magical to the point where I quite fancied another go. Felt a little bit like when you used to (or I did anyway) go on the winter wonderland “trip” in department stores in Croydon before you got to see Father Christmas and get a crap plastic toy. Those funny pretend trips have left me with a love of fibre optics to this day. Anyway, do you care? Do you hell!

So now in Ann Arbor which is a University town and is all pretty low build and leafy. Dog walking on a daily basis and general chilling. I’m manning the phones (manfully) for the Michigan Radio fund drive over the next few days and went into their office for a “training session” the other night which kind of took me back if you know what I mean… They had nicer biscuits though.

Today the respective US administrations gave the Afghani Muslim vote counters the day off to celebrate the start of Ramadan and stepped up the bombing on the Muslims in Faluja presumably for the same reason. Meanwhile the Israeli’s moved their troops a few hundred yards away from some Palestinian refugee camps they’d been illegally occupying as a gesture of goodwill for the same celebration. Alvie’s comment on the situation? He says “Woof” with a tired shake of his head….

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