I never meant to cause you any sorrow

And so now as the sun sets for the last time over the Piers…

…and YukaTV plays the national anthem for the last time before reminding you to unplug your set or your house might catch fire during the night and you’ll all die.

The memories of Supergrass fading…

…and the biggest pizza ever attempted by 2 skinny fellas ever, digested…

…we arrive, via possibly the prettiest plane ride ever along the Connecticut, in the domain known as Vermont ruled amiably by King Oscar of the venerable and just Retriever clan…

…to find that the squirrel followed me… can you find him?

Vermont is beautiful and what a contrast to Manhattan! The plane ride in from Boston was incredible. Maybe that was just after 2 and a 1/2 hours at Boston airport waiting for the connecting flight from NY but I’m not convinced. Most of the flight followed the Connecticut river into Burlington and the vastness of the landscape was jaw dropping. That’s a lot of trees down there. And fields full of pumpkins. Trees. A lot of trees. Other trees. More pumpkins. Have you noticed how many trees there are? Did we mean to grow this many pumpkins this year? Do you think we could fit in another tree in this gap? That’s really a lot of pumpkins. You know what would look nice over there? A tree. I’m not sure we’re going to be able to sell this many pumpkins you know…. etc… you get the idea?

Sunday went and had dinner with friends of my hosts. Very nice food and people and a nice relaxed way to finish off a day of travelling before a massive sleep on a very comfortable bed. No mosquitoes, no bugs, no sirens, no clattering metal plates being driven over, no 3am trash collections, no 4am tank deliveries, no car alarms, no 5am Stomp practice.

Monday, I had a look around Burlington a bit and tried to sort out contact lens purchasing… not as easy as it sounds and still not sorted. Beauracracy is more important than my impending blindness obviously. All that was followed by a spot of very nice mushroom risotto and cherry pie. DAMN fine cherry pie, Diane.

Had a big tour of the surrounding areas by my lovely hostess here Tuesday. Went to a bar out in the woods for lunch where I saw these things…


The bar was ably tended by a Californian lady who when confronted with the idea of a vegetarian sandwich didn’t blink despite her initial meaty offerings (on reading back that sounds a little wrong but I’ll leave it) and came up with a fantastic doorstop cheese number with creamy tomato soup followed by a ginger cake (known as ginger bread here which makes more sense than the biscuit we call the same thing) with caramel sauce… oh yes that was tasty. Off then to see a real life village general store which was half museum and half everything-shop. Wanted a t-shirt with a moose on but they were all too big… boo. Didn’t manage to see a moose, but I did see a couple of chipmunks which excited me enough. (I think they are possibly 10 a penny round here though from the reaction to my reaction), also smelt a skunk which had a apparently been dead a while and so did not smell as bad as a live one. Must be rough when you smell better dead than alive, but I’m getting used to it…

thought I’d leave a gap for you to enjoy that very funny joke…

After that we drove around a little more, went up a small mountain, got out and looked at another incredible view, then off to an orchard for apple picking and cider donuts …. mmmm they are nice! Bears pick apples too…

At some point in all of that we went through a campus where 4 people dressed in black were undertaking some bizarre but very beautiful and hypnotic combination of Abseiling and Ballet on the side of the main building. Really graceful as they somersaulted and caught each other in seeming slow-motion.

Day nicely rounded off by food in an Italian in town…. mmmm Gnocchi…

One thought on “I never meant to cause you any sorrow”

  1. Actually its me – Sara-I just could not be bothered with the signing in thing.

    Having read the latest offering, you are clearly becoming obsessed with food – pizza, sandwiches, soup, doughnuts!, gingerbread, gnocci……..

    Please spare a though for those of us approaching forty on a no wheat, no diary, no caffiene diet. Next time – more about trees and pumpkins (no pies or soup) please.


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