I Miss You…

…So I finallly cracked. Having sat down and rewritten the list of things that need doing in the house I sat staring at it in despair for about 2 hours, hyperventilated, and then called the builder that put in my kitchen and bathroom practically begging him to come round and fix my sick house. He agreed and is coming to give me a quote today, hence the ungodly hour.

Other than that I’m back to France for a sad reason tomorrow for a few days. A bientot, Maman Numero Deux. Je t’aime beaucoup, beaucoup.

One thought on “I Miss You…”

  1. La vie est s’injuste parfois. Quelqu’un bon et bel est allé mais toujours sera rappelé avec le si beaucoup d’amour. My Franglais was never any good!

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