1. Never put a new cooker upright in the back of a van and then drive along a very bendy road. Thud, crash.
2. Continue to not smoke. It’s good, and that strange feeling I’m having increasingly regularly feels like it might be health.
3. Continue to do exercise in the morning. Still religiously doing 8 Minute Abs DVD which has turned into about 15 minutes with the groundbreaking and clever use of the pause button, followed by 25, count ’em, press ups (which are called Pompes in France). Stomach is disappearing. Bye bye, layers of congealing American Corn Syrup, that used to live blancmange-like around my belt area.
4. Wonder where the word Blancmange came from. You’d guess it was French wouldn’t you given that translated it means “White Eat” but my confident assertion of it’s Frenchness was met with Blancstares (he he!) from French people.
5. Put a picture on this website… Vero took this… I like to call it, “You Can Count On Me-ow”