Replacement Therapy

“Smoking is for poor people…You never see rich people smoking. Truly rich people. Ever.” – Douglas Coupland.

Yes today I’m trying to become healthy again. You know that thing when you go through periods of wellbeing, generally brought on by being better to yourself; kicking the fags, cutting back on the sauce, having an early night, getting your arse off the sofa, eating a segment of an orange, going outdoors once in a while, inviting a vegetable on to your plate, that sort of thing? Well for some reason that feeling of wellbeing makes me want to smoke more, drink more, eat less veget… you get the idea; and then I start to feel rougher and the colds start to kick in again and so I try to start being kinder to myself by kicking the fags, cutting back on the…and round and round we go. Well today I have designated National “being-kind-to-myself-day” and like everyday with that title it involves alternating bouts of self-righteousness and desperate craving, the latter staved of by my trusty old Boots nicotine inhaler and large amounts of coffee, chewing gum and sugary coca-cola . BUZZZZZZZZZZ. Soon be healthy… Still doing 480 seconds of abs work out every morning (a whole 960 seconds the other day in a fit of must-get-fit-ness) and actually found some hard things below my ribs that kind of remind me of muscles I had 15 years ago, except they hurt more to get.

Gael the marine bought a motor bike.

Harvey had a ha-hyena.

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