So Ebay huh? What a very good thing that turned out to be! I chucked about 150 cd’s up there for sale, sold all but 20 or so and gained £540 quid in the process. Given that the video camera that I had my sights set on was £315, that all worked out terribly well. My friend Geoff (him of the first month in New York and being lovely in lovely Bergerac – see the archives if you care enough, New York is September last year when I was still allowed into the US, and Bergerac is somewhere around December in a festive way) anyway, my friend Geoff pointed out, with his elephant like memory for embarrassing, minutiae that I had once tried to sell him a very scratched copy of “4 from Toyah” when I was 13 which put him off my recent Ebay shenanigans a bit, and probably quite rightly given this email that I received from a slightly less than satisfied customer…
“Hi, I recieved the CD this morning – many thanks for a quick delivery. Unfortunately the case contained two CD’s but neither one was the correct CD. I would appreciate it if you could get back to me so we can resolve this.”
Ho hum, well he turned out to be a very nice fella despite his disregard for the “I before E” rule and a refund was his AND he got to keep the 2 wrong cd’s so really he got a bargain. And I got a video camera!
People are funny aren’t they? I met a funny one in the post office just the other day while I was idly posting 70 or so cd’s world-wide (which was admittedly taking a little time as for some reason the main post office in Epsom doesn’t have one of those nifty machines where you drop your package in one end which gets launched by a system of rollers into a mail sack at the other end all stamped and nice. It has instead a sticker printing machine that does one at a time, slowly… I n t e r m i n a b l y…. S l o w l y….) So bloke who has been queuing for long looks at me and says do you have to do that here? Answer being well, yeah, this is post, this is a post OFFICE. This is the right place to be when you have a lot of post to, ahem, post. Clues in the name of the place etc. Then he called me inconsiderate… So I asked him what he was doing which turned out to be cashing a cheque so I told him to go to a bank… He didn’t have an answer to that.
I have a video camera. Cool!
France from Wednesday. Coooool!
My head hurts from accidental over beerage last night. Ouch!
Someone told me that they’d done more for Africa than Bob Geldof. Hmmmmm!
I have to go to the post office. Bleurgh!
So who’s the American looking tyke at Alton Towers you been stalking?
You’ve got my money, so where’s my CDs Stanny? Mel