You remember I had an Ipod? Big 30 gig number that I loved (even if they did release the 40 gig the week after I got mine on purpose which I have nearly forgiven them for (they being Apple in case you hadn’t guessed)). I haven’t got it anymore. It’s a very sad thing. That little rectangular white and silver box of cuteness has served me well over the last 2 years and I am forever indebted to those who nearly bought it for me as a leaving present from ORC (but accidentally bought me something that was neither white nor an iPod). Fortunately I said thank you politely and made sure I had the receipt before taking their slight judgemental lapse back to the dark cave of poor quality electronic goods that it came from for a refund and splurging the cash on a lovely Apple glory box.
Back to today. Still with me? Good OK. I no longer have the iPod that I’ve been banging on about.
One good side of it is that it has gone to a good home. When you love something you don’t want to worry about it’s future as it goes out to make it’s own way in the world.
A little better than that is that I got given money for it. That’s a good thing. Nice to know that what you spent your money on 2 years ago hasn’t become worthless.
What is only slightly better, no I tell a lie, what is air-punchingly, manic-grin-inducingly, babble-makingly better is that I took delivery today of a 60 gig iPhoto. What’s an iPhoto? Oh come on, pay attention to the world outside will ya? There’s the future happening outside your window while you’re defluffing your bellybutton you know. An iPhoto for those of you still putting your shirts through a mangle at the weekend is an iPod with a colour screen, double the battery life, and room for 15,000 songs on it. That is a VERY good thing and I am temporarily in the position that I CAN fit my music collection on it. This will probably last about a week before I have it rammed to the headphone socket with tunes and am once again making heartbreakingly tough decisions about what to leave off it when I walk the 3 minutes to the shops. (What if I suddenly want to listen to my album of Elephants playing large instruments while I’m buying milk? Think I’m joking? Oh Ye of Little Faith! Can I suggest you buy it? It’s actually pretty good.)
Anyway. Yes. That’s good.
Other good things? Well one of them is the movie Sin City.
Don’t believe any of the reviews that go on about how it’s not good. Those reviewers are liars and should be killed with long Samurai swords. I saw it the other night and grinned from ear to ear all the way through it. It looks incredible. Mickey Rourke completely rocks in it and shit, isn’t it about time he was back in films again? I mean for how long does Hollywood have to punish a great actor for going off the rails? Bloody puritans. Bruce Willis is also good but the film is the star of the film if you see what I mean. You don’t? Well go see it. It is fantastic. (Actually, don’t go see it if you don’t like seeing a dog hungrily tearing flesh from the bloody leg stumps of a man who’s just had all his limbs amputated. You won’t like it. Don’t think I know anyone like that though.)
Anything else to report?
Well I played poker with a Dakota Indian last night again. I can now say that I’ve done that twice. You better find a poker playing Dakota Indian pretty quickly if you’re going to keep up.
Oh yeah, and Thursday I’m coming back to the UK for a bit. That’s happening too. I’m really looking forward to seeing all of you. I assume you’ll all be at the airport when I land right? Yeah, sure you will.