So after another night of crap sleep, this time involving a dream of living in a world covered under a layer of the liquid that Ed Harris uses to breathe in The Abyss, I wake to find that the heating has been up full all night. Doh! Well that explains the difficulty I was having breathing under water then… Neill, you were having your engagement party under the goop too but the money we bought you got all wet and it was difficult to dance.
Oh what a night (der dup der dup dup) as Frankie Valli might once have said… fortunately the people at the SciFi channel have saved the day by putting the best damn trilogy ever on all morning. Wassat you say? “What’s The Godfather doing on the SciFi channel?”. Don’t be daft! It’s Planet Of The Apes innit. Not that new stupid version, the old Roddy McDowell/Kim Hunter versions. Pure class. Currently on Escape From The Planet Of The Apes which is a little lighter than the first 2 with much advanced-chimps-dressing-in-70’s-clothes hilarity, before the more tragic end followed by the more hopeful epilogue. “mama… mama…”. Ooh it’s so twisty and turny and Ricardo Montalban is in it…
It’s got a bit colder here in Ann Arbor since last posting, very much hats and gloves weather, so I’m glad I bought a hat and gloves in the last post. Well this is just gold dust isn’t it. Glad you started reading? Bet you are!
Me go back to monkeys… they understand me…
…and geese…
i think it’s pure gold.