Did Dusty Do or Did Dusty Don’t?

Dusty don’t, it looks like. She should have though. Funny how your mind plays those tricks innit? Well maybe not your mind, but definitely Doug’s and mine. Next week, Elvis covering The Streets. Could happen.

You know what’s great? When there’s a party out of town that lots of old friends are going to that you can’t make because you’ve got to paint like a crazy fool. You know what’s better? When all those people phone you up drunk from the party having a really good time when you’re stuck in on a Saturday night covered in paint. That’s just the best. Welcome to a new bitter and twisted version of the website. I’m off to listen to Swedish Satanic Metal and buy a long black trenchcoat.

One thought on “Did Dusty Do or Did Dusty Don’t?”

  1. OK. Got it wrong with Dusty. Digging around to find covers of the song, I think the version in my head must be by Bobby Gentry. A similar kind of Dusty husky, possibly? Anyway, there are other versions by Tom Jones, Carpenters, Elvis Costello, Emmylou Harris and even Blondie.

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