Where’d you go?

Ooooops, disappeared there again for a minute. Sorry. Been a bit busy busy busy like a busy bee!

“Doing what?” you may ask, and you’d be right to because I have the answer for you.

Doing this is what…

Click on the logo and hey presto! Look! I got a business! How scary?

Tonight I’m off on my first marketing jaunt with flyers and business cards and everything. Well not “everything” just flyers and business cards, oh, and a rather fetching RecordU T-shirt that I haven’t actually made yet but will do this very afternoon. I’m going to hassle the entrants to this delightful competition and make them give me their money. Mall Stars. I ask ya!

Wish me luck!

2 thoughts on “Where’d you go?”

  1. I’m impressed, i hope it all works out brilliantly for you so that you never have to sit behind a desk in a dreary office again!

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