Have the middle 8 from Mary’s Boy Child by Boney M looping in my head. #ohmylord
Month: March 2012
Surely trolling for retweets? …
Surely trolling for retweets? RT @rupertmurdoch Without trust, democracy, and order will go.
My wife @noraflaherty just had…
My wife @noraflaherty just had an @amandapalmer Green Eggs and Ham moment and now wants to know if she will be travelling in a boat soon?
Is Name That Tune featuring Ge…
Is Name That Tune featuring Geoff Love and his Orchestra still on telly? Thursday’s at 7 isn’t it? #namethattune
RT @angduff @angduff @htc Cust…
RT @angduff BBC – Watchdog: @h…
RT @angduff BBC – Watchdog: @htc : is their customer service ‘quietly brilliant’? http://t.co/LarTfjrD
Looking forward to the church …
Looking forward to the church annulling infertile marriages for consistency. http://t.co/pP5QPLzc #notholdingbreath
Tonight*… I’m cleanin’ out m…
Tonight*… I’m cleanin’ out ma Twit-ter #mandm #IThousekeepingrap *#actuallytoday
Hello Twitter, so what’s today…
Hello Twitter, so what’s today’s group outrage subject?
Do film actors get a theatrica…
Do film actors get a theatrical release at the end of sex?