I’ve been short listed for the BBC’s annual Mock Turner arts prize! Really, I HAVE! Madness!
This is the picture that got me short listed…
And please, please, PLEASE click HERE to vote for me!
Thanks awfully!
How exciting??
The comments about my pic so far… He he!
Some much needed Monday lunchtime laughter. Cat on the Rails is a superb specimen of Photoshop wizardry. I would love to see this extended, not just as a one off. Leaping Bananas…Leaping Bananas…
Elli Robinson, Bonn, Germany
Cat on the Rails has a certain ‘knocked up in a lunch hour’ feel about it. Spontaneous and well composed though.
James Rawlings, Milton Keynes
How can Cat on the Rails be in this competition? It’s rubbish!
Mark, Chipping Sodbury, UK
Cat on the Rails has a haunting quality about it which is enhanced by the palette use and the composition of the cat taking centre stage. It is a piece of art which i would gladly buy.
Tessa Robinson, Guildford, Surrey
David Sillito is clearly extracting the michael. A badly photoshopped kitten? Bile-coloured “fish”? Mock the Turner Prize if you must – and this year it is disappointing – but don’t stoop to the level of comparing it to this rubbish.
James, London, UK