So if you’ve read the important historical documents below, you may remember from an earlier time that I said I was less than impressed with BA. Dont remember? Well, I can either make a revision timetable for you, or you can take responsibility for these exams, after all it is the rest of YOUR life were talking about not mine… Fine, have it your way… Go sit with your mates in the park having a laugh and looking at girls, but dont expect me to be there to support you when you fail these exams and end up having to get a job as a dustman, or a traveling salesman. If you’re not careful you’ll end up a market researcher the rate youre going. Anyway I did, and I was. Say and be less than impressed, that is. With me? Good. What about you at the back? What’s so funny? Well, if it’s nothing perhaps youd like to share that nothing with the rest of the class? See me after.
Anyway, here’s being less than impressed with BA part 2.
I get an email telling me that I should log onto the BA website and fill in some important personal information for security before catching my flight today and saying to me hey! why dont you do our new online check in thingy at the same time saving yourself from all the hassle of queuing behind the smelly no-internet access masses? And hey, go crazy and change your in-flight meal to a vegetarian one too. (I’m on a plane to Detroit now by the way). The security information has to be filled in before flying. Its the American law (and as we all know, that’s gun law, so best to get the stuff filled out to avoid any unpleasantness or bleeding.). The online check-in thingy can only be done within 24 hours of the flight time. All clear with the timings here?
So any road up, just less than 24 hours before (let’s say 23 for the sake of argument shall we?) off I toddle to the website, key in me handy 6 digit code, only to get a response in red from website goblin saying that the website was a bit broken and would I mind awfully trying to log in again. Which I did, getting a message in red saying that the website was a bit broken and would I mind awfully trying to log in again. Which I did, getting a message in red saying that the website was a bit broken and would I mind awfully trying to log in again. Which I did, getting a message in red saying that the website was a bit broken and would I mind awfully trying to log in again. You get the idea… I gave up and thought maybe normal service would be resumed later.
At this point imagine one of those bits in a film where you see a clocks hands going round quickly to indicate the concept of several hours later…. Thanks.
Several hours later I return to said website to give the whole process another go. I key in my handy 6 digit code and this time get a new message from the red message pixie in the machine to say that because I had tried to log in more than 3 times unsuccessfully that day, access to my booking details had been barred for 24 hours, but that I was welcome to try to do this again after those 24 hours had elapsed… You see whats happening here? If I wait 24 hours, it’s after the time of the flight departure, but this has to be done BEFORE departure. Time to phone someone I think. I look on website for contact numbers, find one for people who have made internet bookings like me, but then notice that it says that it closes at 5:15. Its now 8 o’clock so that won’t work will it? Oh look, here’s another number for general bookings and help and they’re open til 9. How ideal.
15 minutes of listening to The Flower Duet by Delibes punctuated by a recording of someone smugly telling me that I may want to go on to where I can give my special security information and check-in conveniently and easy without queuing for an operator, I was still calm. Poor BA have got a broken website so they must have many people phoning in same position as me. Bound to take a little time. I eventually get woman on the phone and explain my plight and that I had to call the general number because the Internet Bookings number is closed and its all going lovely, until she says ”I’ll just transfer you”. and suddenly I’m listening to recorded message on the Internet Bookings line telling me it closed at 5.15 and would I mind awfully calling back on Monday. Thats the day after Im supposed to fly.
Less happy now.
Phone back.
Hold 15 minutes listening to Delibes and ad.
Explain again.
Get told that its the Internet Booking line I want.
Explain that its closed.
Get told Ill have to call back Monday.
Oh ferfoxache…
Anyway, youre bored now, I can tell, your eyes have glazed over. Hey, Ive been on a plane for 5 and a half hours, how do you think I feel?
Guy next to me asked for a vegetarian meal once he got on the plane and couldnt get one. I didnt fancy my vegetarian lasagne and so offered it to him unopened and untouched. He looked at me steadily for about 15 seconds and then said “If I wish to avail myself of that option, I shall ask you.”
Im at 39,000 feet and hes an arsehole.