Ooops, a few busy nights and what happens? Well this doesn’t for a start. Ok, brief whistle stop tour from Thursday night to here.
Thursday night, went and saw the the Zutons (excellent live, not sure I’d be a fan of the recordings), sax playing girl was stella (like a star rather than that being her name), the rest of ’em were like cartoon characters and the crowd did love ’em, oh yes. The Thrills were introduced by John McEnroe which was a little unexpected. They were OK but they seemed to be relying on click tracks and backing tracks for a bit of the backing which took a chunk of spontaneity out of their act. Seemed like they should have been a lot more spontaneous but were held back from being that way so it all went a bit damp. Irving Plaza was a good looking venue and the first place we’d been where the music was turned up loud enough. It suffered a bit from the interminable rules that seem to stop anyone from having fun though. All beer was about 2% proof in tiny cans. You could only buy it if you had ID no matter what age you were. Now I know I look damn good for my advanced years but even I don’t think I can pass for 20. Sure, you probably disagree and I’m being a little harsh on myself but I think I look no younger than 23. AND nowhere to nip out for a fag. (I refuse to stop calling them fags no matter what it means here, also interestingly “twat” is a really bad word here. Must say it more). Anyway, for a place that harps on about freedom so much there seems to be a hell of a small amount of it in New York. Guess that’s Giuliani’s legacy but hey, he cleaned the place up so it’s safer than London. “Hey buddy, you can’t do that, you’ll get a ticket.” Seems the freedom they’re on about is the opportunity to choose between 27 trillion formats of toothpaste in any drugstore. Decaf, low mint, extra sugar, sunny side up, on rye with miniature breath strips for me. Hold the mayo. So that was Thursday. Where next, ah yes, Friday.

We started Friday in fair weather maintaining a steady 7 knots which depth readings showing plenty of hull clearance. Bit of diner breakfast and then a bit of a read in Washington Square. I seem to be a bit of a hit with the boys down there (and the squirrels, but I think they may just be after my nuts. Ahem.). Drove myself nuts trying to get soundcard to record more than 6 seconds of sound at a time (yeah I know, dull) then out in the evening to the Lower East Side for an explore with a very genial tour guide (actually a very nice friend who lives down that way). Bars were entered, that had proper smoking bits (yeah i’m obsessed). It’s a very cool area which music in lots of bars and performance stuff, but not the sanitised Greenwich version, proper creative stuff. Me like. Back for Gin and sleep.

Saturday was a day of rest. Well it had been a hectic week. It’s just work work work around here. Nice phone calls and then out to dinner at a good Italian. Doesn’t matter how much Marinara sauce I have, I still wonder whether it has fish in it. It doesn’t. After that off to Marie Crisis piano bar which was extraordinary. Basically a cellar with a bar at one end, and a piano at the other, crowded with people singing show tunes as though their very existence depended on it. Managed an hour or so there but I didn’t know the words so it got to be a bit like that bit when you go to a wedding and don’t know the words to the hymns so have to stand there mouthing along like a goldfish that just jumped out of it’s bowl. Or something. After that back for a Gin and more sleeping.

So now I’m on to today. Still with me? Day of the bugs. Hell, we found out what had been munching us… They weren’t nice. We ran away and left it to grownups to fix the situation. Wandered down Broadway for a few hours looking for clothes and finding some. Into the Apple Store in Soho which is an remarkable place. Literally a cathedral dedicated to the purchase of preposterously well designed, very white consumer electronics. Fabio I bought you something there which should make you happy. ;-). A bit of a walk along the piers on the way back which was very pretty as the sun dipped in the sky and twinkled on the Hudson. After that back home for an evening of pizza and watching Titanic. Never seen it before and missed the end so I’m hoping they all arrived in America safely. Looked like it was going pretty well up to the point I saw.
And now the future… Tomorrow I catch a bus down to Boston for the night which means, horror, setting an alarm clock… that’s going to smart. See ya on Tuesday.