Take your time, do it right: http://t.co/bGuPKO9I
Category: Uncategorized
A message from your host, Mr W…
A message from your host, Mr Wil Hansen.: http://t.co/mnjOZHzc
Tell @MittRomney & @RepPau…
Tell @MittRomney & @RepPaulRyan to RSVP to the #nunsonthebus http://t.co/kASCfD9a #p2 @sr_simone @NETWORKLobby via @CREDOMobile
Try http://t.co/YhYyxEUo A rea…
Try http://t.co/YhYyxEUo A really simple app to experience the internet as if you were living in another country @theTunnelBear
MeFi IRL: Ottawa superfantasti…
MeFi IRL: Ottawa superfantastic summer meetup! http://t.co/cm6qYL9b
I’ve had 2 tracks selected for…
I’ve had 2 tracks selected for a compilation released mid June. One solo as Modchik, and one as 1/2 of Jersey Petroleum http://t.co/7zNFar9a
http://t.co/SwmA7Oxo #venustra…
http://t.co/SwmA7Oxo #venustransit small black dot.
http://t.co/1nFzxodU Venus tra…
http://t.co/1nFzxodU Venus transit 2012 – first contact from our front step, Canton NY. #venustransit
Michael Rosen: On gods and que…
Michael Rosen: On gods and queens: being a republican atheist. http://t.co/fwYbVr6s
Enormous thanks to Michael @Ho…
Enormous thanks to Michael @HouseBeautiful for pulling out all the stops to help a very sick friend today. Incredibly nice.